- M3AAWG Messaging playlist on YouTube
- Selected Training Videos (also available on www.youtube.com/maawg)
- Selected Keynote Videos (also available on www.youtube.com/maawg)
Below are the M3AAWG published materials related to our messaging anti-abuse work. There is also a Messaging video playlist on our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/maawg and there are a few selected videos on our website in the Training Videos and Keynotes Videos sections under the Meetings menu tab.
Best Practices
M3AAWG Best Practices for Implementing DKIM To Avoid Key Length Vulnerability, Revised July 2017
Due to disclosed vulnerabilities associated with the use of short DKIM keys, organizations should review their DKIM email authentication implementation based on these best practices updated in July 2017. Also see a short video on this issue at the M3AAWG YouTube Channel (www.youtube.com/maawg).
M3AAWG Password Managers Usage Recommendations
Most users struggle to manage a large number of usernames and passwords. While password managers have both proponents and detractors, these recommendations reflect the general consensus of the industry.
M3AAWG Describes Costs Associated with Using Crypto
This document describes the budget and other costs associated with using cryptography to help make informed decisions when deploying encryption.
M3AAWG Initial Recommendations: Arming Businesses Against DDoS Attacks
Distributed Denial of Service attacks continue to be a major concern. This guide helps businesses prepare for DDoS attacks and, as a side benefit, some of these same techniques can also help businesses that suddenly see a large increase in legitimate customer web traffic.
M3AAWG Password Recommendations for Account Providers
Passwords are used virtually everywhere. This document provides password requirement recommendations for ISPs and other providers and briefly describes the risk model of using passwords to provide authorized or secure access to resources. It aims to improve end-user security by encouraging strong passwords.
Public Policy Comments
M3AAWG Comments on ICANN WHOIS Policy Review Team Final Report
Response to the final report from the ICANN WHOIS Policy Review Team
MAAWG Comments on Protect IP and SOPA
Submitted to U.S. Congress committees on the judiciary in December 2011
MAAWG outlined technical issues with S.968, Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act, and H.R.3261, Stop Online Piracy Act, in a letter to the judiciary committees of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.
MAAWG Comments on the Draft Final Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group
Submitted to ICANN in November 2011
Responses to ICANN on issues in the draft report covering the intrnationalization of domains can be read on the draft report comment site at http://forum.icann.org/lists/ird-draft-final-report/
MAAWG Comments on Models to Advance Voluntary Corporate Notification to Consumers Regarding the Illicit Use of Computer Equipment by Botnets and Related Malware
Submitted to NIST in November 2011- Responding to a Request for Information from the U.S. Department of Commerce (DoC) and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the comments are also available on the NIST site.
MAAWG Comments on National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Draft Strategic Plan
MAAWG submitted comments in September 2011
The comments were submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technologyon its draft NICE plan.
M3AAWG Reports
DM3Z Blog
Updates and Commentary from the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group
None at this time.
News Releases
M3AAWG Issues DKIM New Best Practices In Wake of Disclosed Key Length Vulnerability
New Online and Mobile Best Practices Clarify Business and Governmental Security Tactics
Nominations Open at M3AAWG for New J.D. Falk Award Honoring Inventive Cyber Security Work
Articles About M3AAWG
News from Identifier Technology Health Indicators (ITHI)
. . ."First, ICANN will organize another ITHI workshop at the M3AAWG meeting in October in Paris."
Fixed Wireless Internet Service Providers Association
"A coalition of industry groups including WISPA, CTA, CTIA, and US Telecom today published a joint article in opposition to the FCC’s proposed new rules for broadband privacy protection . . . The Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group similarly warned that the rules as currently framed could inadvertently undermine cooperation and communication needed to secure the web from malware, viruses and hackers online. . . "