The best practices and other M3AAWG documents available in German are below. Also see: Warum Sie sich bei M3AAWG Engagieren Sollten. See all the M3AAWG documents for the industry.
News Releases
In German-M3AAWG San Francisco Meeting Addresses Latest Messaging Security Ranging from Mobile Malware to DDoS Attacks
M3AAWG veranstaltet Meeting in San Francisco zu aktuellen Fragen der Messaging-Sicherheit von mobiler Malware bis hin zu DDoS-Angriffen – M3AAWG San Francisco Meeting Addresses Latest Messaging Security Ranging from Mobile Malware to DDoS Attacks(January 2013)
In German-M3AAWG Issues DKIM New Best Practices In Wake of Disclosed Key Length Vulnerability
M3AAWG veröffentlicht neue Best Practices für DKIM infolge der Bekanntgabe einer Schwachstelle bei der Schlüssellänge – M3AAWG Issues DKIM New Best Practices In Wake of Disclosed Key Length Vulnerability (November 2012)
In German-New Online and Mobile Best Practices Clarify Business and Governmental Security Tactics
Neue Best Practices für Online- und mobile Anwendungen unterstützen Sicherheitsverfahren in Privatwirtschaft und Regierungseinrichtungen– New Online and Mobile Best Practices Clarify Business and Governmental Security Tactics (October 2012)
In German-Nominations Open at M3AAWG for New J.D. Falk Award Honoring Inventive Cyber Security Work
Auszeichnung ideenreicher Cyber Security-Arbeit - Nominierungen für neuen J.D. Falk Award bei M3AAWG jetzt möglich – Nominations Open at M3AAWG for New J.D. Falk Award
Honoring Inventive Cyber Security Work (July 2012)
IIn German-MAAWG Evolves into M3 Tackling Messaging, Malware, Mobile
MAAWG bietet M3 - Messaging, Malware und Mobil; Organisation bekämpft Silodenken und drängt Industrie zu besserer Zusammenarbeit - MAAWG Evolves into M3 Tackling Messaging, Malware, Mobile (February 2012)
Videos in Various Languages
Videos in English
- M3AAWG video technical and public policy videos on YouTube
- Selected Training Videos (also available on
- Selected Keynote Videos (also available on