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Security of ZOOM

The ZOOM 5.0 update is designed to address some of the many complaints that ZOOM has faced in recent weeks. Their improvements included such things as passwords by default, improved encryption (AES 256-bit GCM encryption standard), call attendance controls, and much more. You can read about all their improvements here https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/27/its-here-5-things-to-know-about-zoom-5-0/

M3AAWG staff and some members have reviewed these updates and find ZOOM to be satisfactory for usage during this time. Before the meeting takes place and for your ongoing uses of ZOOM today, we recommend you upgrade ZOOM by visiting https://zoom.us/download?zcid=1231

You can also see more information about their plans and processes https://zoom.us/docs/en-us/privacy-and-security.html

Accessing Sessions


ZOOM offers many ways to access their platform and can be customized in your operations system, browser preferences and mobile devices. You can see such options by visiting https://zoom.us/download .  It will auto detect and offer you what you need OR you can visit here for ways to specifically choose your needs https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/207373866-Zoom-Installers 

For those who prefer NOT to download a client, the ZOOM web client allows joining a ZOOM meeting or webinar without downloading any plugins or software. However, the web client has limited features and functions best on Google Chrome.  You can learn more here https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/214629443



  1. Assure you have your participants set in “Gallery View” (2 ways to do so)
    1. Click option “more” on the top menu bar and choose “Side by Side”
    2. Choose Gallery View on top of screen
  2. Only use the Q&A feature if you have any technical questions
  3. To interact with other participants use the Chat



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